Careers Team

Name Title Main Responsibilities
Ciaran Prendergast Senior Leader Careers Link & Careers Leader Strategic Overview
Miles Carr Careers Coordinator Coordinating the careers provision
Lucy Owen Transition Year 5-8 Focus
Rachel Kirk Co-headteacher Primary Careers Provision
Luisa Grandine Guidance Adviser 1:1 Interview & Tracking Destinations
Russell Ford Sixth Form Manager WEX Placements and Sixth Form Careers Provision
Steve Robins SEND KS4 Careers Teaching alternative pathways, work experience and mentoring 
Amanda Wood SENCo Co-ordinating EHCP and careers interviews
Rebecca Miller Sixth form Careers & Apprenticeship Lead at SBAS Focus on apprenticeships & Sixth form Careers
Chris Dowton Enterprise Coordinator Supporting employer engagement
Rob Moody Enterprise Adviser Strategic support around careers and links to international business.
Karen Davidson Enterprise Adviser – McMullen’s Strategic support around careers and local labour market information
John Wiggett Link Governor Overview of careers policy and link governor
Rosemary Iles Librarian Link with speakers for schools