Friday 7th March

Co-headteachers’ welcome

We hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing half-term break. It is wonderful to hear stories of progress from the slopes as students and staff return from the half-term ski trip, with many making in just one week the kind of progress that would take me five! This week, our students embarked on the sports tour, and next week, Year 8 will head to Spain to practice their Spanish language skills and immerse themselves in the local culture. This week too we welcomed Year 7 parents to prepare for the ever-popular PGL trip to Bawdsey Manor; exciting times for all. We take great pride in the wide range of opportunities we provide, from sport, art, music, and drama to enriching academic experiences, such as our Year 13 Psychology students visiting a mental health hospital and museum, where they engaged with two excellent speakers.

Beyond these experiences, it is the voice of our students that truly shapes our school. The primary phase held a fantastic book swap this week, and it was truly uplifting to hear the excitement as students carefully chose their books, discussed ones they had already read, and eagerly recommended favourites to each other. The buzz and passion for reading were incredible, reflecting exactly the kind of enthusiasm we hope to inspire in all our students. This same enthusiasm extends to the way our students influence and help shape their school environment.

At Simon Balle All-through School, students are at the heart of everything we do, and their voices play a crucial role in shaping our agenda and future direction. We are passionate about ensuring that the student voice is meaningful and results in real change. Recent consultations have included:

  • A wellbeing survey focusing on resilience and mental health, working in collaboration with the Mental Health Support Team (MHST).
  • School Parliament discussions on artificial intelligence, computing in the curriculum, and lunchtime club offerings.
  • A previous School Parliament decision to remove Generation Juice in favour of bottled drinks, alongside the introduction of an Ecovend bottle recycling bank.
  • A counter-bullying survey conducted across all year groups.
  • A safeguarding health check, reviewing key areas such as staff-student relationships, corridors, unstructured time, queues, changing rooms, and toilets.
  • The promotion of our ‘Tell Us’ app in response to student feedback, leading to posters around the school and a dedicated assembly.
  • Ongoing discussions with our primary students about their rewards system in the primary phase.
  • MCR Volunteering & Mentoring Scheme: 76 students are actively involved in our MCR (volunteering mentoring scheme). Student Feedback showed:
    • 95% of students felt their mentor improved their confidence.
    • 98% of students reported that their mentor encouraged them to be the best version of themselves.

These examples highlight the power of student voice in shaping our school community. From the experiences they have outside the classroom to the changes they influence within it, our students play an active role in shaping their school experience. Their voice is not only heard but acted upon, reinforcing our commitment to ensuring that every student feels valued and empowered.

It is a testament to our students, staff, and school community that we continue to be a top choice for those moving from Year 6 to Year 7. This year, not only did we have 653 students apply for a place at our school, but 100% of those who were allocated had Simon Balle All-through School as their first choice. This reflects the strong reputation of our school, the exceptional opportunities we provide, and the inspiring environment our students help create every day.

Ski Trip

An Unforgettable Ski Trip!

Our recent ski trip was nothing short of spectacular! From the moment we arrived in the breathtaking mountains of Bormio in Italy , our students embraced every challenge with enthusiasm, determination, and a fantastic attitude. Whether they were beginners finding their balance on the slopes or advanced skiers pushing themselves to conquer steeper runs, each student demonstrated remarkable resilience and courage. It was inspiring to see them embody our school values, supporting one another, stepping out of their comfort zones, and celebrating their progress along the way.

We were also incredibly fortunate with the conditions—crisp mountain air, bright blue skies, and perfectly groomed slopes made for an unforgettable experience. The stunning scenery and excellent snow created the ideal environment for learning and fun. Beyond skiing, students showed teamwork and camaraderie, making new friendships and creating lasting memories. It was a week filled with achievement, adventure, and plenty of laughter. Well done to all the students for their fantastic efforts—you made the school proud!

Anyone who is interested in next year’s trip please keep an eye out for the information that will be sent in the next few weeks.

Please click here for our latest Careers Opportunity blog which includes opportunities for:

  • Lloyds Banking Group
  • Insight into BDO (world’s 5th largest accountancy firm)
  • Samsung live virtual careers lesson

Step into the NHS Competition

We are excited to share that Simon Balle All-through School will be taking part in the Step into the NHS competition for KS2 and KS3 pupils! This fun and inspiring challenge will encourage the students to discover the wide range of careers within the NHS, helping them discover jobs they might not have considered before. National winners will receive prizes, and their work will be showcased in their local community. Further details for KS2 and KS3 competitions will be emailed to parents.

Attendance Update

We want to thank parents and carers for ensuring that students attend school as much as possible. Whilst there will always be illnesses which will require time off, building up resilience in our young people is so important. We know the strong links to both increased attainment and wellbeing that strong attendance can have. There has been a small drop off in attendance since Christmas but hopefully in line with the better weather recently we will see this rise again as we head towards the summer term. 

Please see the following table for an update on attendance across our all-through school.

2024-2025 Difference 2023-2024
Whole School – 95.18% Up by 0.57% Whole School – 94.61%
Primary Phase – 96.18% Down by 0.48% Primary Phase – 96.66%
Year 7-Year 11 – 94.78% Up by 1.02% Year 7-Year 11 – 93.76%
Sixth Form – 94.82% Up by 0.75% Sixth Form – 94.07%

Please note that there has been a small amendment to the attendance policy so that we fall in line with DfE guidance of submitting fixed penalty notices for persistently absent students. Our rate of persistent absence (students who attend less than 90% of the time) is significantly stronger than the national average with 10% compared to national averages of 18.6% and we hope to move towards single figures in the next term.

World Book Day

The recent Book Swap and Paired Reading initiatives for World Book Day were a resounding success, fostering a deeper sense of community and enthusiasm for reading throughout the school. The Book Swap, which saw students from Reception to Year 6 exchanging books, was a hit as children eagerly brought in their favorite stories to share and discover new ones. It was heartwarming to see so many books being donated and enjoyed by others, giving students a chance to refresh their reading collections while encouraging a love for literature. The event not only allowed for a fun exchange of books but also promoted sustainability by reusing and recycling literature within the school.

In addition, the Paired Reading sessions between different year groups were incredibly beneficial for all involved. The older students took on the role of mentors, reading with and to their younger peers, helping to boost their confidence and reading skills. These sessions also helped to create lasting bonds between different year groups, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment across the school. Both initiatives have proven to be excellent ways of encouraging reading, building relationships, and creating a vibrant school community, and we look forward to seeing even more success in the future!

Library News


The Science department is thrilled to announce a special competition category focused on improving the health of indoor air!

The scientists from UCL need your creativity and insight! We invite you to come up with a new idea or invention aimed at enhancing air quality in indoor public spaces – like classrooms, libraries, cafés, or cinemas. Consider whether the air in your chosen space is healthy and clean. What changes can you propose to make it better?

Further details have been emailed to all students in year 7-13.


We are delighted to share our Music Newsletter with you! Please click Team Music to read!

Primary Uniform

Thank you for your continued support with children coming into school with the correct uniform. Some reminders:

  • Jewellery: One pair of stud earrings only
  • Plain black school shoes- no trainers. 
  • Bottle green hair accessories only- no other colour
  • Plain green tights or plain green or white socks
  • Moderate hairstyles, e.g. no shaved lines

Further uniform information on our website

Writing in the Larch

The recent changes to our writing curriculum, particularly the introduction of new literary canon texts, have sparked a renewed enthusiasm for writing across all year groups. By incorporating a diverse range of classic and contemporary texts, students are not only gaining exposure to rich, high-quality literature, but they are also drawing inspiration from these works to improve their own writing. The texts have prompted deeper discussions in class, encouraging critical thinking and enhancing vocabulary, while sparking creativity in student writing. As a result, we’ve seen significant improvements in both the quality and originality of students’ work. The enthusiasm for storytelling and self-expression is more evident than ever, with students showing greater confidence in crafting their own pieces and a growing appreciation for the power of language. The impact of these changes has been incredibly positive, with many students demonstrating impressive progress in their writing skills.


Virtual Appointments

If you would like to speak to a member of the SEND team, please schedule a virtual appointment of up to 15 minutes by using the following link: Virtual SEND Team Appointments

SEND – Exams & Revision

For additional information, support and guidance for students in preparation for exams and during exams – please click on the Youngminds link below:

Youngminds – SEND Exam/Revision Tips

Hertfordshire County Council SEND News

Please use the link below for information on Hertfordshire’s Local Offer, events and News

Hertfordshire’s Local Offer – SEND News

DSPL3 News

DSPL3 have collated a list of upcoming courses for parents and carers.  

Courses & Training Parents – Feb

Hertfordshire County Council is creating a new plan to support children and young people over the next 5 years. By answering the questions in this survey, you can tell HCC what you think is important to help them decide what to focus on.

Complete the survey – open until 16 March. 

If you have any questions or need the survey in an alternative format please contact: p&

Parent Staff Association

Spring Meeting – Wednesday 29th April, 7pm

When you attend a Simon Balle Parent Staff Association (PSA) meeting, you can expect a warm welcome and a friendly atmosphere. It’s a great opportunity to meet the new committee, hear about upcoming events, and share ideas on how we can support the school community. Whether you’re a regular attendee or new to the PSA, this is the perfect time to get involved! It’s also a fantastic way to build a relationship with the school, meet other parents and staff, and gain insight into the day-to-day operations of Simon Balle. No commitment is required—just come along, see what we do, and find out how you can help in whichever way suits you. Head to the secondary library for 7pm. We look forward to meeting you!

Register your attendance via this link:

Slice of Summer – Saturday 12th July, 12-4pm

Can your company sponsor our summer fair? We would love to hear from you.

Are you able to donate a star prize to our Summer Raffle? Please get in touch!

Would you like to be a stallholder? Register your interest via our Stallholder Register.

Are you keen for this event to be a success? Join our Volunteer Database and we will be in touch with an opportunity.

Have you got an idea?  Tell us more!

Thank you

We recently supported the Music Department’s incredible Big Band night.  We would like to extend our thanks to Leah, Lou, Kate, Sarah and Alix for giving up their time to organise and run the bar.

Can you support the bar at an upcoming music event? Volunteer today!

Dates for your diary

A full calendar of events can be viewed on the school website.

  • Mon 10th Mar: Y11 core mocks start
  • Mon 10th Mar: Y9 assessments start
  • Mon 10th Mar: Y8 MFL trip to spain departs
  • Mon 10th Mar: Y12 work experience week starts
  • Wed 12th Mar: Y12 performance clinic
  • Sat 15th Mar: Singing and Strings event
  • Wed 19th and Thurs 20th Mar: Y10 Geog field trips
  • Fri 21st – Sun 23rd Mar: Model United Nations conference
  • Mon 24th Mar: SBAS talent show
  • Tues 25th Mar: Y12 UCAS trip
  • Wed 26th Mar: Rock Gig
  • Thurs 27th Mar: Y7 student consultation evening

Wishing you all the best for the week ahead

Mrs Rachel Kirk and Mr Michael Moss (Co-headteachers)