Please click here to access our virtual open day videos
Hello and welcome to Simon Balle All-through school.
We know that a key part of the transition process, for students and parents, is to feel a sense of familiarity with their new setting. That is why we have created this platform so you can begin to get a sense of who we are, and how we do things here, in order to allow you to take those early steps towards feeling at home in our community.
Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Please see below the Admissions Arrangements Policy 2024-25:
SBAS Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Please see below the Admissions Arrangements Policy 2025-26:
SBAS Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Consultation – Proposed Admission Arrangements 2026-2027
In accordance with the requirements of the Department of Education’s School Admissions Code 2021, Simon Balle All-through School is consulting on the proposed admissions arrangements for the school year 2026/2027 and is seeking responses from parents/carers, schools and community groups.
The proposed changes are:
1. Adding Rule 6 Musical Aptitude Test.
The reasons for the consultation are:
1. Music, both academically and in extensive enrichment provision, is a unique strength at
Simon Balle All-through School
2. Not every school can offer the same breadth and depth of musical opportunities
3. Young people showing musical aptitude, living in Hertford, Hertford Heath and the priority
areas, are being offered the chance to commit and belong to our musical community, growing as advanced musicians.
The proposed admission arrangements can be found on the school website
The consultation period will run for 6 weeks commencing 9th December 2024 and closing on 20th January 2025.
Responses to these arrangements are invited and should be submitted to Mrs M Salter, Admissions
Officer by email: or by post to the school address: Simon Balle All-through School, Mangrove Road, Hertford, SG13 8AJ by 20th January 2025.
The Governing Body will then consider all the responses before determining the final admission arrangements by Friday 28th February 2025.
Proposed SBAS Admission Arrangements 2026-2027.docx
Please see below the appeals timetable document: