Year 4 continue their journey through Key Stage 2 and Phase 2 with the same high expectations of values, attitude to learning, independence and understanding of the wider world around them. Children begin to have their music lessons over in the secondary building in preparation for even more independence in Year 5. Just as in Year 3, children have a wide range of choices for extra-curricular activities in which they can engage to extend skills, commit to learning and open horizons for the future.
Whole class reading is continued and a focus remains on the reading skills/domains, as well as developing vocabulary knowledge even further. English lessons continue to develop a strong grammar knowledge with high expectations on quality of language and presentation, writing pieces based on texts in their Literary canon.
In mathematics lessons and mathematics fluency sessions, children are encouraged to learn and apply various methods and place value understanding as well as explain their reasoning behind the different mathematical concepts, with numbers up to 4 digits with two decimal places. With a significant focus on the statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC), Year 4 use a wide range of resources and strategies, including Times Table Rockstars to learn and revise their times tables not only to achieve during the MTC but to embed the understanding of multiplication (and division) for a deeper understanding of patterns and strategies.
History sees the children learning about changes to crime and punishment over time and in Art they study famous paintings such as ‘The Great Wave off Kanagawa’. Throughout these foundation subjects, high expectations are held both for the subject itself and for spelling, grammar and writing presentation, ensuring children apply these skills across the curriculum.
Tayla Ridley, Phase leader for Phase 2
- Miss E Blackman
- Miss C Ansell
Teaching Assistants
- Mrs A Downing
- Mrs L Swords
- Mrs S Hunt