From the moment the students join us in Year 7, we at Simon Balle work hard to ensure we are living out our vision of ‘Creating tomorrow’s citizens today’.
The bedrock of this is our inclusive and challenging curriculum that strives to strike the balance between providing curriculum continuity from the primary setting whilst still driving standards as they begin life with us. Many students see secondary school as a more mature environment with varied provision and, as such, they are very keen to explore new subjects and begin to delve deeper into their passions and interests. In Year 7 we want to seize on that from the very beginning and take the opportunity to ignite engagement and an interest that they will take with them through their time with us. We do this through rich content and developing depth of knowledge, alongside the use of research-based approaches by staff, to ensure the students master the content for the long term.
However, we passionately believe that our role is to go much further than just providing a vibrant and challenging academic curriculum as we seek to fulfil our aim of developing the whole person so they are ready to go forward and flourish in society. The foundation of this is our work on values and our desire to instill in our students the knowledge that at Simon Balle every individual is valued they are, what they bring to our community, and an understanding that they have a role to play in contributing to the community in our school as well as the wider world. Intrinsic to this are the opportunities we provide for students to live those values daily. This is not only built into our weekly assemblies and Learning for Life lessons, but also with the additional enrichment opportunities we provide such as our extra-curricular provision, trips and leadership roles.
All of this ensures that, as the students begin their school secondary school life with us, they are being equipped with the relevant knowledge, values and expectations to be successful not only in the rest of their time with us but also for the life they will lead beyond our school gates.
Head of Year 7: Mr J Gordon
7A : Miss E Newman
7B : Miss N Iles
7L : Mr A Rosen
7M : Mrs C Ingle & Mr D Kelleway
7N : Mr S Morgan
7R : Mrs L Newland & Miss L Davison
Year Group Overviews:
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term