The times of the day are as follows. Please note that on Wednesday secondary students follow a slightly different timetable.
Term dates can be found on the term dates page.
Session | Time |
Soft start | 08:40-08:50 |
Morning Registration | 08:50 |
Break for KS1 | 10:25 |
Break for KS2 | 10:50 |
Lunch for reception, Year 1, and Year 2 | 12:00 |
Lunch for Years 3 and 4 | 12:30 |
Lunch for Year 5 and Year 6 | 13:00 |
Soft finish | 15:15 |
This equates to 32 hours 5 minutes per week.
Students need to be on site by 8.30am. A warning bell will ring at 8.35am, at which point students should proceed to class.
Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri | Time |
AM registration | 8:40 |
Period 1 | 8:50 |
Period 2 | 9:50 |
Break | 10:50 |
Period 3 | 11:10 |
Period 4 | 12:10 |
Lunch | 1:10 |
PM registration | 1:55 |
Period 5 | 2:10 |
End of day | 3:10 |
Wednesday | Time |
PSHE | 8:40 |
Period 1 | 9:10 |
Period 2 | 10:10 |
Break | 11:10 |
Period 3 | 11:30 |
Period 4 | 12:30 |
Lunch | 1:30 |
Period 5 | 2:10 |
End of day | 3:10 |
This equates to 32 hours 30 minutes per week.