As part of our commitment to the environment we are very keen to promote sustainable travel to and from the school site. Mangrove Road is narrow and prone to becoming congested at peak times, which contributes to both environmental and safety issues.

In order to keep our students safe, the car park gates are closed from 0810 until 1545. Students should not be dropped off or picked up from the school site at the start and end of the day. Instead they should walk to an alternative location such as the Old London Road car park (11 minute walk) where there is sufficient space to allow safe pick up and drop off. Please do not block driveways, damage verges or ignore traffic signage in the surrounding streets. If dropping students in a nearby road, please do so in a safe location. Highway Code sections 204-213 (Road users requiring extra care) and sections 238-252 (waiting and parking) are particularly relevant around schools.

We are expecting considerable disruption to our car park during the construction of our new sports hall. You can read more about this on the sports hall page.

Please do not drop students off in Mangrove Road or attempt to turn around in the entrance to the school: this puts our students in danger and prevents access to the school site.

Access to the car park between 0810 and 1545 will be restricted to staff, visitors and those granted a special access pass. These are generally allocated to students with a blue badge, Primary parents with a blue badge, or students with short term mobility issues. For those with access to the car park, we ask that you adhere to our anti-idling policy: please switch off engines while waiting.

Before 0810 parents may drive through the car park and drop students off, but we operate a no waiting policy at this time. Space in the car park is limited and is reserved for staff working on site.

Please note that there is no parking on site for sixth form students.

For students travelling to school by train, there are a variety of dedicated season tickets that they can apply for through Greater Anglia. More details can be found on their website and in the attached flyer.

Scholar Season Ticket info sheet


This link takes you to the Hertfordshire County Council website where you can find information about bus timetables and the SaverCard scheme.

Hertfordshire home to school transport

Please see the attached information from Arriva regarding bus travel.

Southern Counties Herts SS DD Letter Student