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Creating tomorrow’s healthy active learners, sports leaders and performers
We are committed to;
- delivering a personalised Physical Education curriculum & Sport for all Participation model (PPP) which will inspire, engage and challenge our students.
- all students receiving the opportunities and experiences that lead to a life long healthy active lifestyle underpinned by our Physical Education & Sport values.
- promoting how Sport, Health and Well-being helps us to cope with the demands of 21st century life.
- promoting student experience of the varying roles & responsibilities within Physical Education and Sport both at Simon Balle and beyond.
- the importance of teamship where we learn, we support, we represent and we celebrate as a community
Our Physical Education & Sport Values are as follows;
- Respect - Students will cooperate fully with others, valuing their opinions and support with the aim of working closely together as a group with a common goal. They are proud of our school, helping to look after it and create a positive learning and professional training environment.
- Responsibility - Students take responsibility for their own learning, deliberate practice and improvement. They accept decisions, believing that they are responsible for their own errors in both the classroom, PE and Sports environment, whilst working closely with others with a key focus on continuous improvement and goal setting.
- Resilience & Courage - Students have the courage to challenge themselves at all times, as well as the ability to learn from defeat, failure and practice. They will actively participate in lessons and the extra curricular life of the school. Our students have the ability to analyse their performance and set challenging goals in the quest for continuous improvement.
- Honesty & Trust - Our students will trust in their peers and teachers' feedback. Our students will have the honesty and ability to critically self evaluate their performance thus building the skill of metacognition.
- Patience - Our students believe in the learning process. They understand that this is a lifelong process and are prepared to work closely with their peers, teachers and coaches, setting realistic and challenging goals in order to succeed.
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