Our vision of ‘creating tomorrow’s citizens today’ is to transform lives, and ensure that our young people are provided with a first class education which develops their character and trains them with the skills and knowledge to become model active citizens who understand how they can contribute to society positively and make the world a better place. We believe that education is a key driver to ensure that all human beings flourish so that they can become happy, successful people. We also believe that the promotion of excellence in learning gives students a real chance to grow as individuals and to make positive contributions to communities. At Simon Balle All-through School we recognise that high quality of learning inside and outside of the classroom for all students is one of the most influential factors in student success and achievement. Therefore, we believe home learning (homework) is invaluable.
Home learning requires a consistent approach and a progressive development from year to year. In this way, we will provide students with the opportunity to develop an excellent approach to home learning through each phase, developing their knowledge as well as their learning skills and habits. Promoting responsibility, independent learning traits, self-regulation and a love of learning, will lead to ‘Creating tomorrow’s citizens today’. For the learner, and for the learning itself, home learning is incredibly powerful. For staff, students and parents it is the way in which connection takes place to ensure a home-school partnership in which all students can thrive.
Home Learning Policy June 2021