The Larch Celebration of Music will take place on Wednesday 20th November in the Secondary Hall at school at 6pm. The concert will feature:

  • The Larch String Orchestra,

  • The Larch Wind & Brass Band

  • Year 2 & 3 Choir

  • Year 4, 5 & 6 Choir

Due to the construction of the new sports hall, we ask that you are considerate of the staff car park and our residential neighbours.

The safest and most convenient place for everyone is the Old London road car park next to the fire station: this car park has easier access for motorists and is only an 11 minute walk from school. 

How do I buy tickets?

Larch CelebrationTickets are now available through the parent portal and will be on sale until two hours before the concert.

Go to Make a Booking, then Music Events. Please select the correct event! Tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis and are unreserved. 

Please note: you may only purchase two adult tickets per family. Performers and school-age brothers and sisters do not need to purchase a ticket, but very young children may have to sit on a lap. Please remember that this is a performance where we are celebrating what our musicians are achieving.

Tickets will also be available on the door (cash payment, no cards), but we encourage you to purchase in advance please.

What do performers need to wear?

Boys - White polo shirt (preferably with school logo), school shorts, grey socks and black shoes. No trainers.

Girls - White polo shirt (preferably with school logo), school kilt, green or white socks and black shoes. No trainers. Green headband/hairband. In line with school policy, no make up or nail varnish and no jewellery other than stud earrings.

Where do performers need to go on the day?

The concert will be in the Secondary Hall, please sign in at the door with Mrs Smith, at which point you will take your seats.  

Larch Wind & Brass students will have had their usual rehearsal after school and will leave their instruments at school for the evening concert. Please can wind and brass arrive at 5.45pm and head straight to their seats in the hall. 

Larch Strings students, please arrive at 5.40pm to the Music Block to set up and tune with Mrs Johnson and Mrs Nunn. 

Year 2-3 and Year 4-6 Choir students who are not in Strings or Wind/Brass, please go to the stage in the secondary hall