Library News

Music Monday
Well done to Ryan, Lucas, Ethan and Vanessa for playing the piano in the library this half term for Music Monday. If you would like to play the piano or guitar in the library next term for Music Monday, please speak to Mr Lovell, Mrs N Iles or Miss R Iles.
Speakers’ Corner
Well done to Isshi, Ilan, Mae, Rosie and Zoe for their informative and engaging Speakers’ Corner talks this half term. Isshi spoke about Alexander Hamilton and the Hamilton musical. Ilan, Mae, Rosie and Zoe spoke about their experiences of visiting Auschwitz. Speakers’ Corner takes place in the secondary library at lunchtime on Thursdays. If you are in the secondary school and would like to do a Speakers’ Corner next half term, please speak to Miss Iles.

Book Review Competition
Well done to everyone who entered the Reading Plus Book Review Competition and congratulations to Ollie in year 7 who has won first prize! Ollie wrote an excellent review about the book Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve. For first prize, Ollie has won an author visit for our school. Well done Ollie!

New books in both libraries!

We have lots of new books in both libraries and we have a new section of fiction books on the environment.

Coming up…