Simon Balle Music is alive with people who share a passion for music.

Our home is a school that lives and breathes it.

Opportunities lie around every corner, and we can’t wait to see which paths our musicians will choose.

A love of music opens doors to endless possibilities....

We are on Instagram
Year 2 Students have been working hard at playing the song ‘Naughty Pussycat’ on the glockenspiel. 

They have also been working on recognising the note ‘Middle C’ when written in music notation. 

Great work Year 2, well done!

#music #simonballemusic #simonballeallthroughschool #hertfordshire #mudiceducation #teammusic #primaryeducation
What a spectacular evening!

We’re still freaking out… pardon the pun. 

All of the videos are on the Past Musical Events page, please go and enjoy!

#simonballemusic #music #simonballeallthroughschool #simonballeconcertorchestraandchorus #lefreak #bbcdiscoprom #bbcproms #concertorchestra @simon_balle_school

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