Welcome to Take Note!
Take Note is the school’s adult community choir. It is open to all, there are no auditions and you don’t need to have sung before. We are a friendly group of adults who love to sing. Our aim is to sing well and to have fun in the process. We sing in a variety of styles, mainly ‘popular’ – including some folk, jazz and songs from the shows – but also some ‘classical’.
We meet on Wednesday evenings at the school during term times. 7.30 - 9.15pm. We perform at school concerts and have an annual concert of our own usually in December. We mainly sing in 3 ‘parts’ – Sopranos, Altos and Baritones. Sheet music is provided to help members learn songs but you don’t need to be able to read music to sing in the choir – our musical director teaches them to us.
Fees for the choir are paid termly calculated at £6 per rehearsal. But you can come and try us out for a rehearsal or two before committing. A friendly welcome awaits you.
If you are interested in coming to join us, please email music@simonballe.herts.sch.uk for more details.
Our Dates & Timings for the Summer Term 2025
Take Note Rehearsals run every Wednesday from 7.30pm to 9.15pm with a small break for refreshments. Per term, there is one break-week in line with Simon Balle's half terms - see dates below.

"Joining any choir has the potential to provide exercise, friendship and mental
stimulation. But for me Take Note adds a great deal more. The Choirmaster,
Accompanist and Administrator are all highly professional, accessible and they
listen. Choice of music is over a wide range from classical through the great
musicals to pop. The camaraderie is excellent, and both rehearsals and concerts
always provide an abundance of laughs. There is just the right amount of challenge, we strive for high quality but not at the expense of enjoyment and affordable membership makes this choir a very healthy relaxation. I was reticent about joining a choir, but have never looked back since signing up four years ago."