Welcome to our Music!
It has been an amazing couple of weeks with so many performances and so much music being created across our all-through school. Every musician has achieved something and has a story of triumph to tell! The Big Band evening, vocal showcase, Year 2 Strings celebration, performance assemblies, Big Band gigs, a guitar evening, Larch orchestra and choir rehearsals for the concert next Wednesday, A level recital rehearsals, preparation for the exams this week and next. So much is happening and it is fabulous that our musicians are embracing all that we have to offer. We are working hard to also ensure our musicians are involved in the decisions being made, in our new ideas and in feedback from what we have achieved. Well done to everyone.
Mark Taylor, Director of Music
Big Band

Senior Choir

Our Secondary Phase...
Big Band..
Over the last couple of weeks, Big Band have performed here, there and everywhere!
Starting, of course, with our Big Band Evening. On Saturday 5th March, we were fortunate to have Big Band perform for a live audience full of friendly faces for the first time this year!
Next, Big Band entertained the Herts for Learning Headteachers' Conference, a very fun evening had by all!
Finally, they performed at the Mayor's Civic Dinner.
We are so proud of how they all embraced the challenge, and adapted to the different occasions! Well done to all!
Vocal Showcase - Saturday 12th March
On Saturday, we had our first singing concert in 3 years! It was fantastic to see so many students involved and performing a variety of genres and pieces! From Chamber Choir, to Musical Theatre, Duets to All Choirs!
Kitty in Year 9, who performed in multiple ensembles, said:
I really enjoyed how every student and audience member was very supportive, I also liked how there was a variety of different songs, especially musical theatre, in the vocal showcase. I have always listened to music and sung around my house from a young age. I find it rewarding when I can master songs I have been working on or hit a note that I couldn't before. Accents help me get into character as they don't sound like me but the role I am playing. Attending acting clubs and knowing what message the song portrays helps me understand my character.
A Celebration of Brass
Our wonderful Brass musicians throughout the school came together to perform last week. It was a great to see so many students of various ages take part in the evening. Listen to our Secondary Brass students with 'Highlights from La La Land'!
Guitar Platform Evening
On Thursday, Mr Niesyto's students came together to showcase a wonderful array of acoustic guitar pieces.
Students from Year 7 to Year 13 performing solo numbers, our Guitar Workshop did their first performance, and the evening finished with our Guitar Ensemble.
It was a brilliant evening!
Our Primary Phase...
Larch Stars
Our Larch Stars are musicians who have been nominated by their instrumental teachers for something really good that week. Their certificate is presented in assembly. Well done to..
- Ayla B (Year 3) for great progress in the last few weeks.
- Mason Y (Year 3) for great performance in his lesson.
- Pearl C (Year 4) for superb effort in lessons.
Florrie C (Year 3) for excellent work on her low note production.
Eloise S (Year 5) for working hard at her note reading.
Assembly Performances
In the Larch Celebration Assemblies, we have had wonderful performances from:
Isabel H in Year 6 playing 'Stealth Mode' in piano.
Ava C & Isaac B in Year 4 playing 'Shepherd Hey' on clarinet.

A Celebration of Brass
Our wonderful Brass musicians throughout the school came together to perform last week. It was a great opportunity for the younger students to see our older students perform, and understand where their brass journey can take them!
Our Larch Brass musicians performed brilliantly! Please have a listen to 500 Miles!
Year 2 Strings Training Programme Evening
On Tuesday, our Year 2 Violinists and Cellists showcased their hard work to a live audience of their parents and carers.
Mrs Johnson and Mrs Nunn are happy to announce they have all successfully completed their Strings Training Programme!
Do see below a little snippet from Tuesday.
Music Medals
Lots of Larch Musicians across many instruments are completing their Bronze Music Medals currently.