What an amazing term it has been! Full of music and celebration!
Thank you for all of the ongoing support - communicating with us, celebrating our concerts, celebrating your students, following along with us on this journey! You are a valued part of Team Music!
Merry Christmas from Team Music, and we'll see you in 2024 for much more music!

Secondary Carol Service
Featuring the Simon Balle Concert Band, Senior Strings, Secondary Choir, Chamber Choir and Saxidentals.
The Simon Balle Community were lucky to enjoy Carol Services featuring Secondary Musicians this week - what a way to count down to Christmas!
Secondary musicians performed fantastically, what a way to finish 2023.
Click in the top right corner for more videos
Larch Carol Service
On Tuesday Evening, we enjoyed our Primary Carol Service, featuring the Larch String Orchestra, Larch Wind and Brass Ensemble, Year 2-3 Choir & Year 4-6 Choir.
It was incredible to see so many Primary students involved and celebrated!
We look forward to more Larch Music Celebration in 2024!
Singing Recital Evening
On Wednesday, we enjoyed performances from Ms Kemp's students!
It was a brilliant evening of plenty variety from musical theatre to metal to pop!
Please enjoy the videos here -
Click in the top right corner for more videos
Take Note: Winter Celebration
Take Note held their annual Winter Celebration on Saturday to start off the Christmas period, it was an incredible evening with a variety of music, and of course mince pies!
To find out more about Take Note - please click here for this link.
Our Spring Term dates can be found here:
In keeping with our Fortnightly Focus, the Brass Ensemble were able to perform challenging pieces through their practice and commitment to rehearsals.
Thank you Lilia for sharing your thoughts. Please enjoy ‘Selection from the Secret Gardens’ on the Past Events page!
#music #simonballemusic #teammusic #simonballeallthroughschool #selectionfromthesecretgardens #brassensemble

An incredible evening with the Simon Balle Big Band!
We love hearing what students think! Creating incredible moments that become everlasting memories!
#music #simonballemusic #simonballeallthroughschool #simonballebigband #teammusic #simonballebigband2 #hertfordshire

A fantastic Piano Recital on Tuesday evening showcasing exam candidates!
#music #simonballemusic #simonballeallthroughschool #pianorecital #pianists #youngmusicians #teammusic

It is always so great to hear how students enjoyed the concerts.
Thank you Charlie!
#music #simonballemusic #simonballeallthroughschool #allthroughschool #teammusic