Welcome to our Music!
This term has been all about our musical community coming together. Recitals, recordings, concerts, rehearsals and more. We are constantly being reminded of what our musicians can achieve and the wonderful music that is created. Every performance is a personal achievement and with so much music taking place every day, we should not forget each individual success.
The role of families at home supporting learning and practice is essential. Going over what has been learnt, preparing for the next phase of learning is crucial. Progress brings achievement and the feeling of success. This then inspires the next part of learning. Listening to practice at home, celebrating, performing to the wider family helps make the process of learning part of what the students do.
Please enjoy celebrating what has been taking place in recent weeks. Every phase is alive with music and we are so proud of each every musician.
Mark Taylor, Director of Music
World Music Day 2022
Tuesday 21st June was World Music Day this year, and we used it to reflect on all of our wonderful musicians and the variety of music performed at Simon Balle.
Music is so important to so many people, and we are so proud of what is achieved!

In Our Secondary Phase...
Virtual Rock Gig
Due to such a busy term, unfortunately we were unable to host our Summer Rock Gig in proper fashion. Instead, we have done a Virtual Gig, which can be viewed below! Despite the change in plan, the students rose to the challenge, and have smashed it!
To see all the videos, please head to: Our Rock School Gallery.
Guitar Platform Evening
On Thursday, Mr Niesyto's wonderful students performed at our Guitar Platform Evening. It was a great opportunity for younger students to be inspired by older students! From Year 7 to Y13.
Mr Niesyto has been hosting Guitar Workshops for some students, and last night our Guitar Workshop students joined our Guitar Ensemble! It was a brilliant way for all of our students to play together, and it sounded fantastic!
You all performed fabulously! Well done to you all!
Come & Sing 2022
From September, our Secondary Choir for Year 7, 8 and 9 will be rehearsing on a Wednesday lunchtime, 1.25-1.55pm. Making music with others is so important for musicians, it can build confidence and develop skills.
If you are interested, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/XcoY6qDsU2uMdiHEA
Piano Evenings
In June, we enjoyed a couple of piano evening recitals, in which Mr Lovell's Year 7, 8 & 9 students showcased what they have been working so hard on. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to perform, and great to hear so much variety! You all played and performed brilliantly, well done to you all!
Y8 Celebration Evening
Some of our Year 8 musicians performed at a Celebration evening for their year group. It was a fantastic performance from each and every one of them, and it's great to see them performing to their peers and families. Performing is a brilliant experience for all, and the musicianship they all showed is something they should all be proud of. It was in no way their first performance and it definitely will not be their last!
Well done to: Ryan C, Chloe C, Louise C, Robin M, Reubin D, Isobel C, Olly C, and Keo O!
Y 8 - 9 Piano Evening
Y7 Piano Evening
Our Primary Phase...
Primary Music Festival
On Monday, 43 Larch students performed in a Primary Music Festival. They performed an Individual song: 'Something Inside So Strong', and then as part of a larger group: 'Out There' a Cantata by Paul Burrell.
It was a brilliant opportunity for our singers to not only perform, but be involved with other primary schools. Some of our students auditioned for solo parts, and they did so well to come away with 3 narrators and 3 singers! They each did so well at narrating and singing in front of such a large group; they should be so proud! Well done to Archie, Orla, Erin, Isabel, Emily & Lola!
Larch Piano Evening
On Tuesday, Mrs Johnson's pianists came together to perform to their families and friends. It was a wonderful opportunity for them to showcase their skills. Well done to all who performed!
Larch Stars
Our Larch Stars are musicians who have been nominated by their instrumental teachers for something really good that week. Their certificate is presented in assembly. Well done to..
- Felix W-B in Year 3 for excellent work on your duet in your cello lesson.
- Angus M in Year 3 for excellent work on your duet in your cello lesson.
- Heidi N in Year 6 for super effort in orchestra.
- Aluna S in Year 2 for great effort in your cello lesson this week
- Isla J in Year 2 for fantastic concentration in your lesson this week
- Chloe in Year 6 for excellent sight reading of a new piece this week
- Olivia B in Year 2 for excellent concentration when learning the tricky rhythms this week in your cello lesson
- Florence S in Year 2 for excellent concentration when learning the tricky rhythms this week in your cello lesson
- Eddie B in Year 2 for excellent concentration when learning the tricky rhythms this week in your cello lesson
- Edie C in Year 5 for always having a positive attitude
- Isabella H in Year 5 for working so hard in your lesson
- Tunde F in Year 2 for playing so well in orchestra
- Dorothea A in Year 3 for playing so well in orchestra
- Henry P in Year 4 for a great attitude and sticking to a practise plan
Coming Up...
Please take a look at our upcoming events, all including our final events of the year!