Friday 21st March

Co-headteachers’ welcome

It has, quite simply, been a magnificent and magical March to date! Whilst our classrooms from Reception to Year 13 remain a-buzz with the joy of learning across our broad and ambitious curriculum, it is our privilege and pleasure to be writing to you in this newsletter with a spotlight on three subjects: science, music and PE. Please do look forward to future newsletters placing a similar spotlight on other areas – we have so much that we are proud to share with you all. 

Last week was British Science Week, and, at Simon Balle All-through School, it was a week full of enrichment and experiences to remember. Whether your passion is chemistry, biology or physics, or all three, there was so much to engage our budding scientists. To give just a flavour, the explosive nature of ‘Fizz Whizz Bang’ inspired all; rat dissections were both informative and intriguing for many; the Great Science Bake off added a fantastic twist to enrich student experiences; and Bernoulli’s principle was simply off the scale (you will have to ask the students and/or google for yourself!). Quizzes and species hunts, amidst the usual busy and thriving science department lessons, made this a week to remember. Particular thanks are offered to our science ambassadors in the sixth form: they had a starring role in generating engagement and interest across Simon Balle, including excellent work supporting Year 6-8 enrichment after school on Wednesday. How fortunate we are to be a part of an all-through school where STEM is prioritised, where academic achievements in science are simply outstanding, and where enrichment in weeks like this ensure that science is fun, relevant and meaningful for every student. Thank you team science!

It is tricky to do justice in words to the exceptional opportunities and experiences in Team Music this fortnight (and always). Their musical newsletter is linked below and we encourage you to visit this for not only more information, but also recordings, videos, sound-bites, photographs and a great window into music at Simon Balle All-through School. We are so proud of our musical community which is thriving, inclusive and always innovative. An incredible ⅓ of our whole school are learning an instrument; statistics like this exceed the national comparison by an unbelievable margin. Recent highlights include our Larch celebration concert on Wednesday with 130 Larch musicians involved. 130! We are so appreciative of parental support which leads to committed musicians (from strings to wind/brass to large choirs of every age) so clearly enjoying music-making at such a high standard. We must never take this for granted! Our unique all-through school of course leads to experiences and concerts a-plenty where young look up to older peers. Many, many students and their families will attest to the joy of the concert in school last Saturday. Inspired by a disco prom at the Royal Albert Hall last summer (yes, you read that right!), team music reached standards arguably higher than ever before! A transformation of the secondary hall with professional lighting and disco balls inspired musicians to perform a concert off the scale from ambition, vision and collaboration – strings, singing, rhythm section and wind/brass. At Simon Balle, Mr Taylor and his team are always seeking new ideas and new ways to inspire – we are so appreciative and know that this is just so unique! We are looking forward next to the Celebration of Wind and Brass – entitled ‘Postcards – Travels from across the world’, and we wish good luck to the 56 musicians who have a music exam in 2 weeks time. All of the above is achieved through commitment – staff, young people, and you all as their families – please keep ‘nagging’ for practice as, with this, great things happen here, every day.

You will not have missed the excitement building as our sports hall nears completion. The Elm Sports Centre at Simon Balle All-through School will open very soon, and the state of the art facilities will benefit every one of our young people from Reception – Year 13. Please look out for communication related to the experiences on offer as we launch and build. In the meantime, PE at Simon Balle All-through School is alive and thriving! We cannot do justice to the breadth of sports nor student achievements in just a summary here but daily opportunities are leading to students representing Simon Balle with pride, demonstrating our values, and showcasing advanced sports skills. Just a flavour includes Year 7 district netball success; Year 11 footballers securing a spot in the district finals; Year 8 through to the semi-final football county plate and netballers winning in their district netball tournament; Years 5/6 footballers on Wednesday went through to the final of the Hope Cup for the third year in a row whilst simultaneously the Year 7 team were victorious in their semis heading into the final too; and amongst this all we have had Years 3 – 6 athletes at district athletics, preparing for Larch cross country, and all following incredible secondary trips out following the Years 8 and 9 sports tour in Spain and the ski trip at half term! Wow!

Exciting Learning Across the Larch!

Our students have been engaged in fantastic learning experiences this term! Year 6 has been working hard on their mock SATs, putting their knowledge to the test, while Year 5 has continued their inspiring careers talks, welcoming parents from our community to share their experiences. Year 4 has been learning about apartheid with guest speakers, linked to Journey to Jo’burg, and aiming high for a perfect 25/25 in their times tables. Year 3 has been busy with food technology at Pizza Express and honing their journalism skills by reporting on The Iron Man, who has been spotted munching on the village’s cars! Year 2 is focused on improving their reading, eager to explore new texts, and Year 1 has been out and about searching for signs of spring as part of their science lessons—enjoying welly walks in the sunshine. Meanwhile, Reception has been getting creative, exploring How to Catch a Star and coming up with their own beautifully illustrated “how-to” books. So much to celebrate!

On the pastoral side, we’re excited to introduce new Drawing and Talking Therapy sessions, helping students explore and understand their emotions in a supportive setting.

And finally, our dedicated staff have also been working hard on progress reports, ready to celebrate the fantastic achievements of our students with parents as we wrap up the Spring term!

Thank you Simon Balle. To students, families, staff, and governors/trustees, we are proud to lead this exceptionally positive school with an environment and ethos where a sense of belonging is shown above and whereby great things happen each and every day. 


We are delighted to share our Music Newsletter with you, featuring Big Band Evening, incredible exam results & much much more! 

Please click Team Music to read!

Year 8 MFL Trip to Málaga and Granada

Our Year 8 students had an unforgettable time on their trip to Málaga and Granada, where they immersed themselves in Spanish language and culture. Highlights of the visit included a paella cooking class, a language lesson, and a guided tour of the breathtaking Alhambra Palace and the historic city of Granada. Students also enjoyed an energetic flamenco lesson, embracing the rhythm and passion of this traditional dance. Despite a few rain showers, they made the most of every opportunity to practise their Spanish in real-life situations. They were a credit to the school, demonstrating enthusiasm, curiosity, and excellent behaviour throughout the trip. ¡Bien hecho, Year 8!

Sports Tour 2025 Malaga

The PE department took 105 students on a Sports Tour to Malaga at the beginning of March. We had 4 boys football teams, 2 girls football teams and 3 netball teams. The football teams received training sessions delivered by Malaga FC Academy coaches and Netball training was delivered by a professional coach. 


The netball squad put on an excellent display during the sports tour, showing great skill, resilience, and sportsmanship throughout. From the first training session, the coach was impressed by the girls’ attitude and work ethic, highlighting their politeness and dedication. The focus was on ball skills and moving onto the ball, followed by team practice for the evening matches.

That evening, we traveled to Gibraltar to face strong local teams. The B and C teams showed outstanding determination, developing as a squad, while the A team narrowly lost by one goal, fueling their motivation for the next day. Despite the rain disrupting our schedule, the team adapted brilliantly, taking part in a gym session and recovery swim (which felt like an ice bath!). They also bonded through team-building activities, creating their own team names and netball chants.

Returning to Gibraltar for the final matches, the teams displayed tenacity and versatility, implementing tactics and strategies effectively. Competing against established club teams was a challenge, especially with limited time together, but the players stepped up in both attack and defense. The A team finished with a fantastic win by five goals.

Every player was a credit to the school, demonstrating teamwork, resilience, and a passion for the game. Well done to all!


The sports tour was an unforgettable experience for our 82 footballers, providing them with the opportunity to test themselves against strong Spanish club sides. The trip commenced with a visit to a top-tier training venue, where each team was introduced to their professional coach, who would lead their training sessions throughout their stay in Marbella. During an intensive two-hour coaching masterclass, players honed their skills in isolated drills, semi-competitive scenarios, and fully competitive match situations.

On the first evening, each team faced their Spanish counterparts at various high-quality pitches—some of the finest the students had ever played on, with many remarking, “These are the nicest pitches I have ever seen.” The matches provided a valuable learning experience, demonstrating the physical and tactical demands of Spanish football. Despite the challenge, all teams showcased resilience and adaptability, with the Year 9A team securing our first international victory with a well-earned 3-1 win.

Day two saw us return to the training venue, where each pro coach had tailored personalized training programs based on their team’s performance from the previous night’s matches. This strategic approach played a key role in improving each team’s performance in their second round of games. As the teams grew in confidence, their teamwork flourished, resulting in excellent linking play and well-placed goals—even against opponents significantly larger than them. A standout moment came from the Girls’ B team, whose determination and grit held their Spanish opponents to a 1-1 draw before securing victory in a tense penalty shootout, marking our second international win.

Overall, the tour was a remarkable experience, fostering skill development, teamwork, and resilience. The players returned home with valuable lessons, unforgettable memories, and a sense of pride in their achievements on the international stage.

We also had the chance to visit Marbella town for some shopping and explored the local area including the beach. We also went on a Dolphin Cruise in Gibraltar on which we were very lucky to see dolphins swimming in their natural environment! We also had some fun bowling and enjoyed a Sports Tour Presentation Ceremony during our last evening in which we celebrated lots of success across the week. 

We would like to say how proud we were of all of our students and how behaviour was impeccable throughout the week. I’d also like to extend a huge thank you to the staff who helped to make the tour a memorable one for our students. These are: Miss Newman, Miss Baker, Miss Quinton, Mrs Dovey, Mr Moses, Mr Morgan, Mr Rouse, Mr Goodwin, Mr Dear and Mr King. 

Mrs Castle – Tour Leader

Please click here for our latest Careers Opportunity blog which includes opportunities for:


Year 7L created amazing models of specialised cells as part of their unit on Cells.  There was a lovely variety from both plant and animal cells being made! Students were tasked with this for homework and to use materials at home along with information such as adaptations and functions for their specialised cell.

Larch Spurs coaching session

We are delighted to be welcoming Tottenham Hotspur Football Club to run some sessions with children in KS1 and KS2 in the next coming weeks and to inspire our children. Spurs have asked us to send out the below leaflets ahead of the sessions with them.

Next Gen Spurs info flyer

Library News

Simon Balle’s Got Talent 2025 – auditions and date of the show

Mr Dear, Miss Rooke and Ms Cannon are holding auditions for students between years 7-12 to audition for the talent show – the auditions will be held in Mr Dear’s classroom (Q1) on Wednesday 26th March. All are welcome to audition!

The new date for the talent show is Monday 28th April – more details to follow!


Virtual Appointments

If you would like to speak to a member of the SEND team, please schedule a virtual appointment of up to 15 minutes by using the following link: Virtual SEND Team Appointments

SEND – Exams & Revision

For additional information, support and guidance for students in preparation for exams and during exams – please click on the Youngminds link below:

Youngminds – SEND Exam/Revision Tips

Courses for Parents and Carers

Details of courses that may be of interest to parents can be found here Courses & Training Parents – Mar.docx

HCC SEND News – Keeping you up-to-date with Hertfordshire’s SEND information

Welcome to the SEND News bulletin.

View SEND News

In this issue: 

Please let us know if you have any problems viewing this e-newsletter or if you have any articles to contribute to the next edition by emailing

Parent Staff Association

Spring Meeting – Tuesday 29th April, 7pm

Join us for our first meeting as a new committee.  Get to know our new team: Co-chairs – Leah Wood and Chloe Merrick,  Treasurer – Mike Cohen and interim Secretary – Hayley Fairbrother. 

Everyone is welcome, you do not have to be a committee member to attend.

Head to the secondary library for 7pm where we will be reviewing recent fundraisers and discussing upcoming events such as the Slice of Summer and exciting autumn plans. We look forward to meeting you.

Register your attendance via this link:

Spring Meet 

Slice of Summer – Saturday 12th July, 12-4pm


Our all-through VolunteerSignUp link is now open!

Each Larch year group is being invited to run a game, that’s only four volunteers per year!

Secondary phase students and families – we need your help too.  Take a look to see how you can get involved.

Sign up to a volunteer slot BEFORE Friday 2nd May to benefit from FREE entry and FREE tokens to redeem anywhere at the fair, on a PSA operated area. 1 token per volunteer, per slot.

This offer is open to all staff, parents, carers and students of the all-through community.

Inflatables Offer

This year, we are offering £10 wristbands that give the user unlimited use of the inflatables during the Slice of Summer.  We have a limited number of wristbands available.  To purchase, or find out more, please visit the PSA website.


We need your help to make our Raffle a big success! 

If you have any unwanted gifts or new items that you would be happy to donate, we would be incredibly grateful. Or, if you run a business and would like to contribute a product or service, we would love to showcase your generosity!

Every donation helps us raise valuable funds for the school, and we truly appreciate your support.

We are aiming to open our Summer Raffle ticket sales via our website after the Easter break.

Dates for your diary

A full calendar of events can be viewed on the school website.

  • Fri 21st – Sun 23rd Mar: Model United Nations conference
  • Tues 25th Mar: Y12 UCAS trip
  • Wed 26th Mar: Rock Gig
  • Thurs 27th Mar: Y7 student consultation evening
  • Tuesday 1st Apr: Y8 student consultation evening
  • Wed 2nd – Fri 4th Apr: Y7 Bawdsey Manor trip
  • Friday 4th April term ends (normal school day)
  • Tues 22nd April: INSET day (no students on site)
  • Wed 23rd Apr: Summer term starts
  • Mon 28th Apr: SBAS talent show

Wishing you all the best for the week ahead

Mrs Rachel Kirk and Mr Michael Moss (Co-headteachers)