Friday 25th October

Co-headteachers’ welcome
Dear all,
At this incredibly busy but wonderfully positive half term draws to a close, Mr Moss and I would like to thank you all – students, parents/carers, staff, governors and trustees – for all that you have contributed to Simon Balle during Autumn 1. We wish you a restful and happy half term, and we look forward with eagerness to the second half of the Autumn term where we know that academic and enrichment opportunities await every student ages 4 – 18!
The main introduction to this fortnight’s newsletter (below) comes from three valued members of our community who are now embarking upon important leadership roles within our local governing body and wider Trust. The purpose of this short piece is to introduce themselves to you all. On behalf of all of the senior leadership team, we would like to emphasise what a crucial role all governors and trustees play in our school – their expertise across so many areas, their transferable and considerable knowledge and skills, and their tireless energy and enthusiasm as volunteers. We are hugely appreciative and privileged to work with them all, together always placing our young people at the centre of what we do, to ‘create tomorrow’s citizens today.’

Welcome from the governing body
Greetings to all, whether you are a parent/carer, staff member, or member of the wider community,
We have just completed a planned change to be the Laurel Education Trust and the Simon Balle Governing Body. As the incoming Chairs and Vice Chair of the boards we wanted to give you some information about what it is we do.
Jo Brown is Chair and Will Davies is Vice Chair of the Laurel Education Trust. The purpose of this body is to hold schools within the Trust to high academic and pastoral standards and provide infrastructure and administrative services to allow the schools working within the Trust to do what they do best: catering for the academic and pastoral needs for the children and students who attend each setting.
Adam Cooper is the Chair and Will Davies is the Vice Chair of the Simon Balle Governing Body. The day to day governance and oversight of school business sits here. They focus on how the school engages with its children and young people as they grow through the school, overseeing safeguarding, academic results, student and parent voice and school improvement initiatives amongst other things.
This is obviously a change to the way the way governance has historically operated. We are looking forward to Mill Mead joining the Trust and these changes will also allow for future expansion. We are in no rush to do this and wish to ensure everything is running as it should before this is considered.
We all have children in various phases at the school (see the governors/trustees bios here) and truly believe that this is a school that should work for the whole community. If you see us (at sports events, parents information events, music events etc) please do talk to us, in fact any governor or trustee, we will be happy to talk to you, get your views and answer questions you might have.
Jo, Adam and Will

Year 9 Battlefields visit
Year 9 students visited the battlefields of the Western Front of the First World War, exploring a variety of sites linked to the conflict in and around Ypres, Belgium. One highlight was our students laying a wreath on behalf of the school community at the Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate; seeing the thousands of names of men whose graves are unknown, including relatives of some of the students, was a poignant moment and helped them to reflect on the brutality of war in the past and around the world currently. Members of the public commented to staff how respectfully our students observed the minute’s silence and how well they conducted themselves in general. Overall, the trips were a huge success, offering an invaluable opportunity for cultural enrichment and complementing the students’ learning of history and war poetry. Planning has already begun for next year.

Poppy Appeal
After half term we will have our poppies throughout the school for staff and students to purchase. Donations can be cash or via a QR code. We will be holding our annual remembrance day service on Monday 11th November. Break time will be slightly later than normal for our secondary students, so please make sure they have eaten breakfast in the morning, and that they have a coat in case of bad weather.

Generation Hertford Careers Fair
On Monday 21st October we had the pleasure of taking all our Year 10 and some Year 13 students to the careers fair at Beam, organised by the Careers Enterprise Company, to help students explore potential career paths and gather information about various industries. The event featured a wide range of exhibitors, including local businesses, colleges, and vocational training organisations.
This was an opportunity for our students to talk to employers and it was great to see so many of our students actively participating by asking questions and engaging with exhibitors. Many representatives reported positive interactions with our students and appreciated their enthusiasm.
Most students found the fair informative and hopefully provided them with insights into various options and the skills needed in their plans for the future.
Please click here for our latest Careers Opportunity blog

Year 8 New Scientist Live Trip
The Science Department took Year 8 students to the New Scientist Live exhibition at the ExCeL Centre in London on Monday 14th October 2024. The trip featured handpicked speakers who showcased everything that science offers, from mind-bending maths puzzles to the wonders of nature. Students met dozens of exhibitors and saw the huge range of careers STEM can offer. There was a programme of talks by leading scientists on recent advancements in STEM and the students had access to a range of interactive exhibits on the show floor, providing a hands-on experience with technology of the future.

Year 6 Globe Theatre Trip
The trip of a lifetime
The Globe was built by the company William Shakespeare was in (the Lord Chamberlain’s Men) over 500 years ago. Then it caught fire due to a misfire of a cannon (which was meant to be for a battle scene). When Shakespeare died, the globe was pulled down and rebuilt over 400 years after it was originally built! The Globe was home of drama and it still is today!
We arrived at The Globe after a train journey from Hertford East station to Liverpool Street Station and then walking across Southwark Bridge. When we got there, we had a tour which was extremely interesting. We found out that some people didn’t even get to sit down – it only cost one penny to stand and these people were referred to as ‘groundlings’. You could pay one penny for an additional cushion if you had a seat or you could use the money to buy a snack such as a pie. Then, we were split into three groups and did a drama activity linked to Macbeth. It was very fun and we learnt a lot about characterisation, my favourite activity was the ‘Yes, No, Maybe’ game where we took it in turns to say each word but we had to use a completely new gesture every time – which was over the top for an audience to understand (Dorothea). My favourite activity was ranking the characters within a scene 1 to 5 – when King Duncan was found dead – to show the level of importance for each character (Harry F).
Written by Harry and Dorothea in Year 6 Owls.

Year 11 revision workshop
The whole of year 11 have been participating in a “How to revise” workshop in the hall. Lots of useful tips and hands-on activities, so that the half term can be put to good use, creating resources and timetables to help with revision in the run up to the Mock exams in December: They should be doing revision every day, little and often and repeating, little and often and repeating.
- Flashcards – Learning key words and definitions. Shoe box/stairs (test)
- Making an essay plan that you can learn and repeat to help structure any essay (re-draw to test)
- Flashcards – Answering questions (test)
- Labelling (test)
- Teach someone else something and test them – do you know it well enough to teach someone else it accurately? Test them – was your teaching effective? (Consolidation)
- Working in a study group with others – (Interactive testing)
- Interactive ‘doing’ tasks – web tests and quizzes, fill in the blanks (classed as tests as they will have right and wrong answers)
- Educake/Mathswatch/English podcasts/Corbet’s maths (Repetition/consolidation of knowledge)
- Condense notes into diagrams / mind maps could pair with a labelling task (test)
- Make top trump cards / Bingo games (Repetition/Consolidation)
- Past papers / Mark schemes (Practising technique/planning answers/look at how marks are distributed)
- Timed questions (Practising technique)

Understanding Neurodiversity Session
We were delighted to welcome Alison Lindsell, of Amwell View, to the Simon Balle Larch.
Alison ran an informative, interactive session for our Year 5 & Year 6 students exploring neurodiversity, in particular Autism and ADHD. The students were fascinated to discover how many famous people have neurodiverse disagnoses; and were enthusiastic to answer questions and share their understanding.
If you would like to speak to a member of the SEND team, you can book a virtual appointment of up to 15 minutes with a member of the SEND team, please use the this Booking link.
Parent meetings
This half term the SEND team have met with parents of Year 7 and Year 10 SEND students to reflect on the start of term. These conversations have been really useful to speak about adjustments in place for students and celebrate their successes.
Courses for parents
Several informative courses for parents and carers can be found at SEND Station. Some of these courses are free and others have a small cost to attend.

PE and Sport Update
In the last week of this half-term, our students have been actively participating in our Inter-house Sports competitions. All students have shown fantastic engagement and displays of sportsmanship all around. The boys have taken on touch rugby, while the girls have been involved in hockey, applying the skills they’ve been honing during their lessons.
The enthusiasm and effort shown by all students have been truly inspiring, as they put their teamwork, strategy, and skills to the test. Each house has given their best, and it’s been wonderful to see such strong camaraderie and sportsmanship both on and off the field. Results from the competitions will be emailed to students after the half-term break.
Well done to everyone involved, and we look forward to seeing more of this energy in the upcoming lessons and events.
It has been a busy half term with extracurricular fixtures starting across all sports in friendly, district, county and national competitions.
For more information on our fixtures as well as recent Inter House sports results, please go to the following link;
You can view all upcoming events/fixtures on the Simon Balle Sport page here:

Music news
It’s been a busy couple of weeks in music, from a RNCM workshop for our A Level students, to piano recitals and a Larch Brass Performance!
Read all about our musical news here:

Library News
The Great European Larch Bake Off
Well done to everyone who baked cakes for the Larch MFL bake off on Thursday 3rd October. We were very impressed with all of the entries! There were 38 entries altogether.
Congratulations to the winners:
- Juliette, Wrens
- Ella, Doves
- Iris, Kingfishers
Here are the other entries:
Speakers’ Corner
Well done to Rowan, Natish, Alex, Samuel, Isla, Isaac and Milly for your Speakers’ Corners this half term. We have had a large variety of topics from puppets and pantomime to countries and different cultures around the world. Lots more Speakers’ Corners to come after the half term holiday!
To sign up to do a Speakers’ Corner you just need to speak to Miss Iles and Mr Belsey and we will arrange a date with you.
You can do your Speakers’ Corner individually, in pairs, or in small groups.
Here are a few suggestions for what you could talk about for your Speakers’ Corner:
- A recent sporting/musical achievement.
- An art project you are working on.
- A science experiment or other school competition or project you have taken part in.
- An exciting holiday you have been on abroad.
- An interesting trip you went on in the UK or an exciting event you attended.
- A topic you are interested in that you have researched.
- A hobby you enjoy doing.
- Books you enjoy reading.
- A culture/language/faith/traditions that are important to you.

Dropping off and picking up
Thank you for your continued support with regard to the use of the car park. Can we once again urge you to pay careful attention to signage and parking restrictions both on our site and in the surrounding streets. The ‘White Lodge’ turning is a no entry road and must not be accessed from Mangrove Road. Several of the roads in the immediate vicinity of the school have their own parking restrictions in the form of yellow lines, no waiting areas and resident-only zones. In addition to this we would ask you to respect other peoples’ driveways, the footpaths and the verges. As previously communicated, the best place to drop and collect students from is the Old London Road car park next to the fire station. The 11 minute walk should be manageable for the majority of our students, and the collecting from there means that you can avoid the traffic on Mangrove Road.

Online Safety
Please take a moment to read the two attached guides to Age-Inappropriate Content and Cyber Resilience.

Arbor App for Parents
While we are in the process of moving certain systems and functions to Arbor, it is a good time to remind parents about the Arbor Parent App. Our records show that 95% of parents have already engaged with the app at least once this year. There is a degree of experimentation going behind the scenes whilst we tweak how various pieces of information are displayed, so please be patient with it. The Y9 and Y11 reports are due to be sent out via the app later today, which will be the first major test for it.
Instructions for how to get the app and use it can be found here on Arbor’s support page.

Uniform reminder
As we head further into autumn and winter can we remind you to make sure that students come to school wearing appropriate clothing. A coat is an essential item once the colder, wetter weather sets in. Please remember to clearly label items so that they can be reunited with their owners when they are inevitably misplaced around the site. It might also be worth taking the time to check that students are still in possession of all the equipment they started the year with, and that shoes and uniform are in good condition.

Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service newsletter
Please take the time to read through the autumn edition of the quarterly schools newsletter from Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service. There is advice on keeping your home warm and safe, fireworks, fire safety and vaping.
EAST HERTS & BROXBOURNE Autumn 2024 Accessible – V2

PSA AGM – Wednesday 6th November
Please do join us for our Annual General meeting on Wednesday 6th November, at 7pm.
Head towards Larch and make your way to the Sycamore Room which is located behind the PE changing block.
It would help us if you could register your interest here, so that we have an idea on numbers attending and who is on site.
Frost Fair 7th December – volunteers and raffle
Families, students and staff – please support your year group where you can, to ensure this event is a success! Volunteers can sign up to a time slot here:
If you are able to donate a prize our eagerly anticipated Winter Raffle, please let us know by emailing
Joules Outlet Sale – 8th ~ November
We’re reaching out today to ask for your help with promoting our upcoming Joules Outlet sale on Friday 8th November. This event is open to the wider community so please do share with friends, family and colleagues! The Joules Outlet team have advised us that the sale is subject to a minimum number of tickets being sold so please do help us by sharing our booking link. At the moment, we have not sold enough tickets and are at risk of having to cancel the event:
Doughies – 22nd November
Sadly, Doughies will close their business at the end of the year. The good news is, we have a final delivery date booked! To place your final order for a cookie or artisan pizza kit, please click here before
Pizza kits cost £7 and £2 of every sale will be donated to the PSA.

Community events
Hertford Library event
Hertford Library are hosting a Creative Writing Poetry Workshop for Young Adults 14-18 on Monday 28th October. You can read more about the event here.
Drama Day at BEAM theatre

Dates for your diary
A full calendar of events can be viewed on the school website.
- Mon 4th Nov: Y12 Assessment week starts
- Mon 4th – Thurs 7th Nov: Y13 Geography field trip to Dorset
- w/b 4th Nov: Y12 assessment week
- Tues 5th Nov: Y6 Macbeth at Beam
- Wed 6th Nov: Y11 expectations evening
- Thurs 7th Nov: GCSE drama visit
- Thurs 7th Nov: Y4 Phasels wood information evening
- Fri 8th Nov: Joules seconds sale
- w/b 11th Nov: Y9 assessment week
- w/b 18th Nov: Y7 assessment week
- Fri 29th Nov and Mon 2nd Dec: Occasional days – school closed
Wishing you all the best for the half term holiday,
Mrs Rachel Kirk and Mr Michael Moss (Co-headteachers)