Friday 13th December

Co-headteachers’ welcome
December is a time of giving, and this spirit has been a shining feature of our school throughout the month. From supporting the local food bank to engaging in meaningful work within the community, our students and staff have exemplified generosity and care for others. A special highlight has been our Year 12 and Year 4 students taking part in a Santa Dash to raise funds for Herts Young Homeless, showing incredible dedication to supporting a vital cause. Equally inspiring was our Christmas Jumper Competition in aid of Save the Children, which combined fun and purpose in the best possible way. The fantastic array of colourful, creative, and quirky jumpers brought festive cheer to the school while reminding us of the importance of helping those in need. It has been heartening to see the Simon Balle community come together with such energy and kindness during this season of giving.
The Christmas Frost Fair on the 7th December was a true triumph, bringing our school community together in festive celebration despite the challenging weather. The event was alive with the buzz of activity, featuring an array of stalls, delicious food and drink, and outstanding singing and dance performances. It was wonderful to see our Sixth Formers and Year 7 students showcasing their entrepreneurial flair by running their own stalls, demonstrating creativity and teamwork. A heartfelt thank you goes out to our incredible PSA, school staff and the many volunteers who made this event possible. Your dedication and hard work ensured the success of this whole-school celebration, which truly embodied the Christmas spirit. We are so proud of everyone who contributed to this joyous occasion!
As we approach the final week of term, excitement is building for two cherished traditions: our Christmas lunch and the school Christmas Carol Concert. These events are the perfect way to celebrate the season and reflect on an incredible term. From academic achievements to social milestones, our students and staff have worked tirelessly and accomplished so much. It has been a term full of growth, success, and community spirit, and we look forward to ending it on a high note with these festive celebrations.
We wish everyone a fantastic Christmas and New Year and we look forward to welcoming you all back in January!

Christmas events
Christmas is in full swing now…
Reception Nativity
We are immensely proud of our Reception children as they have performed their Nativity show this week! Not only did they perform to their families at the main performance on Thursday, but they have also had audiences from the Larch and Busy Lizzies earlier in the week to watch our dress rehearsals. They have all worked so hard on learning the songs and their lines and we hope all our attendees enjoyed the show. Well done!
Christmas dinner – Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th Dec
Christmas dinner will be taking place next week (Secondary on Tuesday, Primary on Wednesday). Secondary students please take not: there will be no other food on sale on Tuesday, either at break or lunch. Students are advised to bring a snack for break and anyone that hasn’t bought a ticket for Christmas dinner will need to bring a packed lunch. You can read the full text of the Christmas Dinner letter here: 2024 Christmas Dinner letter
Christmas Jumper Day and Santa Dash
Thank you to everyone that supported yesterday’s fundraising activities. The donation pages are still open if you still want to contribute.
Christmas Jumper – Save the Children – £1278.00
Simon Balle All-through School – Christmas Jumper Day –
Santa Dash – Herts Young Homeless – £546.00
Carol Service
The annual Simon Balle Carol Services are taking place during the last week of term:
- Monday 16th December, 7pm – Secondary Carol Service
- Tuesday 17th December, 6pm – Larch Carol Service
The PSA will serve refreshments before each service. If you are able to volunteer with the serving of refreshments, please sign up here:
We ask all our music families to donate a box of mince pies or a packet of shortbread, these should be brought to the music office any day this week.
In addition to the two evening carol services, there will be two daytime services for the students to attend. On Tuesday Y7, 8 and 12 will be walking down to the Church in the morning, and on Wednesday the Larch students will be doing the same. Please ensure that students bring a coat so that they are suitably dressed for the weather.
Jólabókaflóð (Book Flood) – On 18th December the secondary library will be hosting the annual Book Flood festival. See the poster below for more details.

Herts and District food bank collection
Thank you so much for all of your generous donations for the Herts and District food bank. Our House Leaders have really embraced our Simon Balle values and have been diligently collecting the items from the Larch and the Secondary phases. Thank you again!
Food Bank support
Should you find yourself in difficulty over the festive season please do not hesitate to contact where we can support you through our local food banks. Please ensure you get in touch before the end of term.

If you would like to speak to a member of the SEND team, you can book a virtual appointment of up to 15 minutes using the following Booking link.
On the links below are details of workshops available to all parents and carers living in Herts.
Supporting Links BITESIZE programme 2025
Supporting Links ASD & ADHD Workshops Spring2025
Supporting Links Course Brochure Spring 25
Places can be booked directly by parents and carers by following this link and are free. Bitesize Parenting for parents in Herts | Eventbrite
The Hertfordshire SEND Local Offer
The Local Offer is a guide for families, providing information on special educational needs and disabilities services available throughout Hertfordshire for eligible individuals.
Please use the link for further information The Hertfordshire SEND Local Offer
For the latest Hertfordshire SEND news, highlights and information, please use the following link: The Latest SEND News from where you can also register to receive regular SEND updates.
DSPL3 Newsletter for Parents – Autumn 2

Library News

Please click here for our latest Careers Opportunity blog

PE News
With over a week to go, there are still lots going on in PE, including Inter-house Sport taking place this week and many more fixtures over the next 4-5 days. We will be publishing our sports blog on Wednesday which will include the final Inter House Football results as well as detailed reports on all fixtures and results so far in December. The December Sports Blog will be available on the front page on Wednesday as well as by going to the following link – Sports Blog

Keeping safe this Christmas
Please take a moment to read the two latest online safety guides for parents, and the Fire Service Winter Safety newsletter.
What parents and carers need to know about whatsapp

Statutory Admissions Consultation 2026/2027
In accordance with the requirements of the Department of Education’s School Admissions Code 2021, Simon Balle All-through School is consulting on the proposed admissions arrangements for the school year 2026/2027 and is seeking responses from parents/carers, schools and community groups.
The proposed changes are:
- Adding Rule 6 Musical Aptitude Test.
The reasons for the consultation are:
- Music, both academically and in extensive enrichment provision, is a unique strength at Simon Balle All-through School
- Not every school can offer the same breadth and depth of musical opportunities
- Young people showing musical aptitude, living in Hertford, Hertford Heath and the priority areas, are being offered the chance to commit and belong to our musical community, growing as advanced musicians.
The proposed admission arrangements can be found on the school website (
The consultation period will run for 6 weeks commencing 9th December 2024 and closing on 20th January 2025.
Responses to these arrangements are invited and should be submitted to Mrs M Salter, Admissions Officer by email: or by post to the school address: Simon Balle All-through School, Mangrove Road, Hertford, SG13 8AJ by 20th January 2025.
The Governing Body will then consider all the responses before determining the final admission arrangements by Friday 28th February 2025.

Parent Staff Association
Frost Fair
The weather didn’t dampen spirits on Saturday’s Frost Fair. Hundreds of visitors came to enjoy the atmosphere and make this all-through event memorable.
We would like to extend our thanks to all that made this a success, from performers to student helpers, to our bank of volunteers.
Kings Group and Edwins generously sponsored us. Thirteen Artisan Bakery cooked our giant pigs in blankets. Accent supplied helping hands and trays of cookies which the children enjoyed decorating.
This incredible community event simply could not happen without you.
All raffle winners have now been contacted and have until we break up for Christmas to collect prizes. Uncollected items after this time will be assumed unwanted and will get redistributed.
During the Frost Fair, sadly a visitor lost an opal pendant. This highly sentimental item is dearly missed. Please check bags and belongings, just in case it may have got caught up. Please contact the PSA or school should you find it, we would love to be able to reunite this with its owner.
Larch UV Party
We are excited to bring back the much loved after school UV Parties to Larch in January 2025. Save the date!
- Friday 17th for years 1, 2 and 3.
- Friday 24th for years 4, 5 and 6.
More information to follow.
In order for this to go ahead, we need a good number of helpers to serve drinks, apply UV paint and tattoos (no tattoos on faces please).
If you are interested in registering to become a volunteer for our events, please complete this short form:
Providing we have enough volunteers, tickets will go live on 6th January, via our website. Spaces will be limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Lumos Live – Coldplay by Candlelight
Calling all Coldplay fans!
Lumos Live presents: A Coldplay Candlelight Experience at All Saints Church, Hertford, on Saturday 11th January 2025 at 7pm. Lasting around an hour, you will enjoy many Coldplay favourites performed by a string trio. Book via our link for a portion of your ticket sale to be donated to Simon Balle PSA:

Dates for your diary
A full calendar of events can be viewed on the school website.
- Mon 16th Dec: Secondary Carol Service, All Saints Church, 7pm
- Tues 17th Dec: Secondary Christmas dinner
- Tues 17th Dec: Larch Carol Service, All Saints Church, 6pm
- Wed 18th Dec: Larch Christmas dinner
- Friday 20th Dec: Last day of term, early finish
- Monday 6th Jan: Term starts for everyone
- Mon 6th Jan: Y13 mock exams start
- Tues 7th Jan: Y10 mid year assessments start
- Thurs 16th Jan: Y11 mock results day
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Mrs Rachel Kirk and Mr Michael Moss (Co-headteachers)