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Simon Balle All-through School

It is a privilege to welcome you to Simon Balle All-through School. Our website is intended to be a window into the highest quality of education that we offer here, and to give you a sense of who we are and our shared vision and values. 

We are proud of our all-through school: one school for students from the age of four all the way to eighteen. We are known for our high expectations, first class education and our innovative approach. Our curriculum is broad, and its progressive and sequential nature in every subject ensures that children are inspired and can successfully journey through fourteen years of learning with us. We believe that there is no tension between this academic ambition for all and a holistic education which supports every young person to develop their character and sense of self.   

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Simon Balle All-Through School

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To get ready for Children's Mental Health week, Year 9 and 10 were fortunate enough to recently have a performance and talk from up and coming band, Absnt Mind.

The guys discussed their experiences and the pressures of growing up as well as offering ...advice on how to deal with teenage emotions.

Alongside this, Absnt Mind performed some well know songs and their own tracks which the students thoroughly enjoyed!

The band even had time to sign a few hundred autographs for their new fans.

Thank you to @theprimeagency and everyone involved in delivering such a fantastic experience for our students.

#simonballeallthroughschool #simonballe #simonballeschool #wellbeing #mentalhealth #hertford #hertfordshire #absntmind #education #childrensmentalhealth

Next week, from 3rd-7th February, Simon Balle Sport will be hosting our Spring 1 Inter-House Sport competition.

Throughout the week, boys will be playing hockey, while our girls are participating in tag-rugby.

Year 7 - Thursday P1 and P2
Year 8 - Monday ...P1 and Friday P1
Year 9 - Thursday P4 and Friday P2
Year 10 - Monday P2 and Tuesday P1

#simonballeallthroughschool #simonballe #simonballeschool #simonballesport

This week, 140 Year 9 and Year 10 students participated in the Intermediate Maths Challenge as part of the International Maths Olympiad.

Students had 60 minute to complete 25 multiple choice challenges. The competition encourages mathematical ...reasoning, precision of thought and fluency to make students think.

Well done to everyone that entered.
The top 1% will be invited to join the Kangaroo Challenge with around 1,800 students nationally.

#simonballeallthroughschool #simonballe #simonballeschool #mathschallenge #maths #challenege #academicexcellence

it means no worries.

What a brilliant day! Our amazing Business students were so engaged at our convention, which gave an insight into how Disney operates and markets its brand. We were treated to an inspirational talk that really showed how to be a success in ...Business, as well as making a positive impact on the environment - so many cross-curricular links.

Paris was simply awesome - a coach tour of the historic city taking in all the sights, followed by a River boat cruise ending at the lit up Eiffel Tower.
Yet again our students have been a credit to our school and demonstrated our CARE values all day.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for supporting students to come on this trip.

Due to the students being up and ready to go this morning, we have managed to book on an earlier ferry and will now be back at school at approximately 17:30- 18:00.

Please can parents and carers wait in the main hall. Students will then bring their luggage across the stage to meet you and depart.

Happy Friday.

#simonballeallthroughschool #simonballe #simonballeschool #experience #education #businessgcse

it means no worries.

What a brilliant day! Our amazing Business students were so engaged at our convention, which gave an insight into how Disney operates and markets its brand. We were treated to an inspirational talk that really showed how to be a success in ...Business, as well as making a positive impact on the environment - so many cross-curricular links.

Paris was simply awesome - a coach tour of the historic city taking in all the sights, followed by a River boat cruise ending at the lit up Eiffel Tower.
Yet again our students have been a credit to our school and demonstrated our CARE values all day.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for supporting students to come on this trip.

Due to the students being up and ready to go this morning, we have managed to book on an earlier ferry and will now be back at school at approximately 17:30- 18:00.

Please can parents and carers wait in the main hall. Students will then bring their luggage across the stage to meet you and depart.

Happy Friday.

#simonballeallthroughschool #simonballe #simonballeschool #experience #education #businessgcse

It’s the little things!

Against the backdrop of the 100-year-old lime tree, the sports hall continues to take shape.

It’s often the little things that make the biggest difference, even if they go unnoticed. Work is progressing in earnest, with internal ...rooms being built, taped, and jointed. The heating system is being installed, and the electricians are busy cabling.

Externally, the first perforated cladding panels are being added, while the brickwork is reaching its final height. Next week, the windows will be installed, marking an exciting step towards the completion of the space we have all been waiting for!

#simonballeallthroughschool #simonballe #simonballeschool #environment #sportshall #build #development #community #hertford #sport